In the JRuby download "research" area, you can find the results of his work plus some docs and a short presentation on JRubyME. As near as I can tell he based it on JRuby 0.9.8. The same work could probably be done to produce a stripped version of current JRuby, and with a bit more work we could probably tweak and reconfigure the source to support ME execution as a normal build target. Both are exercises for you all until there's more time (or Ruby on ME becomes a primary goal rather than performance and compatibility on SE :) )
There you go! You wanted JRuby on ME, now you have a damn good start! Run with it!
ReplyDeleteI am a ruby expert,but a j2me newbie.
any set of instructions for getting some gui app working on my j2me mobile.
thanks in advance
You could create some Java method that adds UI components and call this method from your Ruby script.
ReplyDeleteAs an example, the \resources\Main0.rb does the same with the RubyXlet.displayMessage() static function (with no UI though)
How do you install JRubMe. My LG KP500 gives a error about "File is corrupt or invalid manifest" when I try to install the .jar file. I also already copied the java.policy and main0.rb files to the same directory as the .jar file.
ReplyDeleteSo I copied all files from the folder "dist" in the JRubMe0.1.zip.
Does anyone know how to get this great stuff running?