Wednesday, November 29, 2006

NetBeans + Ruby = Awesome

Tor Norbye is a programming machine on par with the legendary Ola of Bini. He's the one-man force working on NetBeans Ruby support, and his progress has been epic. Here's his latest screenshot and a short blurb about it:

NetBeans + Ruby = True

In just over two months' time, Tor seems to be (in my opinion) on the verge of eclipsing every other Ruby editor/IDE out there. I've been using development builds of his stuff and it's really superb. A few features I've missed before that are now rapidly maturing in NB+RB:
  • Highlight usages: not genius, but smarter than dumb-as-a-post right now; great for local and block vars, getting smarter for methods
  • Clickable methods and variables: limited to method-scope for variables or file-scope for methods, but coming along very quickly...and even those limited scopes are way better than nothing at all. I don't know how many times I've wanted to Ctrl-Click a method in some giant Ruby file and go straight to the method def. Awe-some.
  • Inline refactoring: I've demoed this a couple times, but for local and block vars you can do inline renaming...essentially renaming all instances of the variable at the same time. It's really nice, looks cool, and represents the tip of the iceberg for refactoring capabilities.
There's plenty of other stuff that's cool, like the Navigator view of a file (shows classes, modules, methods, of currently-selected file), AST view (great for us Ruby language hackers that like to see the actual structure of things), and more.

Things are definitely shaping up nice for next-generation Ruby IDEs.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Using JRuby's "complete" JAR for OS X App Bundles

Now this is really cool. Tony Hursh, commenter on the previous "Advanced Rails Deployment" post, put together an OS X Application Bundle template that allows you to use the JRuby "complete" JAR file as the base of a typical OS X app. What does that mean? That means you just toss the complete JAR into this template, code up some Ruby code, and have a nice dock icon and menu bar like any other app. You can ship the entire app as a bundle, with JRuby as the built-in Ruby interpreter. Awesome.

Some pics showing the menu working like you'd expect and the JRuby logo as a dock icon:

Check out Tony's JRuby OS X App Bundle walkthrough to see for your self. It's a really outstanding application of JRuby's "Ruby-in-a-JAR" support.

Eclipse to NetBeans: Quick Outline Module

I'm trying to be 100% NetBeans these days, and I'll be documenting tips and tricks as I learn them. Hopefully others going through the same exercise will find these tips and they'll help make the transition smoother.

Why am I making this move, you ask? Well, of course there's the whole fact that I work for Sun, but that's not the primary motivation; if a tool doesn't accomplish what I want, I'm not going to use it. But NetBeans has made amazing strides this past year. It's now not only better-looking and faster than Eclipse, it also includes includes a much, much larger set of functionality in the base download. And that download? 30-60MB smaller than Eclipse 3.2. That's pretty amazing.

Anyway, one feature I sorely missed was the "Quick Outline" in Eclipse, where Command-O (or Ctrl-O) brings up a fast search for members of the current class. It's pretty darn useful, and I really, really missed it.

However, Sandip Chitale to the rescue. He's created a "Java File Structure" module, which exactly duplicates the Quick Outline functionality. Thank goodness!

Read Sandip's post to install the NetBeans Quick Outline module (Java File Structure) and try it for yourself. He's also got a quick Java class hierarchy module that looks great, but it's not something I use very often. Perhaps I will use it more now.

Oh, and you can find information about the modules in Help after they're installed, but to save you some confusion: The shortcut for File Structure is initially Cmd-Shift-S (Ctrl-Shift-S) and for Hierarchy is Cmd-Shift-H (Ctrl-Shift-H).

One more NetBeans annoyance down the drain!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Advanced Rails Deployment with JRuby

There's a lot of work going on right now focusing on various mechanisms for deploying JRuby-based apps. This article will summarize some of the work happening and why it's really, really important for the Ruby world.


First, a little sideline into general Ruby embeddability work.

Over the past few days I've made modifications to enable running a Ruby app completely out of a single JRuby JAR file (Java ARchive). The major changes required were:
  1. Add jarjar to the project to combine all dependency jars into a single archive, including jline (readline support), asm (compiler, other stuff in the future), bsf (scripting API), jvyaml and plaincharset (Ola's JvYAML library and supporting charset lib).
  2. Add an Ant task to build the "complete" jar and include all Ruby standard libraries in the same archive.
  3. Somewhat unrelated, a small patch for irb/init.rb to allow it to fail gracefully if it can't load locale-specific files from the filesystem.
So by running "ant jar-complete" you get out a single JAR file that contains a complete, working Ruby interpreter plus stdlib. For example:
~ $ java -jar jruby-complete.jar -e "puts 'Hello, Ruby-in-a-JAR!'"
Hello, Ruby-in-a-JAR!
~ $ java -jar jruby-complete.jar -rirb -e "IRB.start"
Of course, you don't have to take my word for it. I've uploaded a copy of this jar for you to try yourself. The full archive is about 2900kb. That's suitable for embedding in just about any application, and in fact I used a stripped-down 1600kb version for the JRuby Applet. Note: this is JRuby trunk code and mostly experimental...but that's what makes it so fun :)

Ruby-in-a-JAR - The ultimate in Ruby interpreter portability

A Better Deployment for Rails

Now the main course: several folks have been working on several exciting deployment scenarios for JRuby on Rails apps.

The current "best option" for deploying Rails apps into production generally involves the HTTP front-end Mongrel. Although Mongrel is largely written in Ruby, it is very fast, largely because of its native C component for HTTP request parsing. It's also considerably more secure than CGI-based options, largely because of creator Zed Shaw's attention to detail. The typical Rails app will be deployed as a "pack of Mongrels", where the number of desired concurrent requests is multiplied by the number of independent Rails apps to determine a total number of processes. These processes must be managed, monitored, and respawned as appropriate, but the result is a fairly stable and scalable deployment model.

However with JRuby, there will soon be a better option. I previously reported about TAKAI Naoto's efforts to deploy Rails behind an AsyncWeb front-end, showing tremendous performance improvements over a WEBrick-based deployment. Naoto-san has now taken things to the next level: Rails deployment under GlassFish.

The potential here should be obvious. GlassFish, like other Java EE application servers, is extremely good at scaling up many concurrent requests across many independent applications; so good that many organizations deploy only a single appserver-per-machine and stuff it full of applications to serve. That means a single server, a single process to manage. GlassFish also supports clustering, which means you'll be able to hit the deploy button once and have your n-server cluster instantly start serving up Rails. But there's one last area that trumps all the rest:

That single app server can handle as many concurrent requests across as many independent Rails apps as you desire, scaling them across all the CPU cores you can throw at it.

That's more N * M process management, no more zombie processes, no more immature tooling to manage all those servers and all those deployments. One tool, one server process, no headaches.

That's an extremely bright future, and we're almost there.

What Next?

Naoto-san is not the only one working on JRuby on Rails deployment options. There are a number of folks in the JRuby community approaching the same goal from different directions, using innovative techniques like servlets implemented in Ruby and Spring-based service wiring. The JRuby community sees the potential here and things are moving very quickly.

My work on Ruby-in-a-JAR will also play directly into this. Currently most deployment scenarios require Rails app files to remain "loose" on the filesystem, as with the current standard deployment model. However it won't be long before you can zip up your Rails app into a WAR file (Web ARchive) and deploy it lock, stock, and barrel to as many servers as you want.

These efforts combined will create, in my opinion, the most manageable, scalable, powerful Rails deployment model yet available...and it's just around the corner.

We've also launched into Rails compatibility work in earnest. I've created a wiki page on JRuby support for Rails that details the results of running Rails' own test cases. Long story short: we're looking pretty damn good.

JRuby on Rails is in the home stretch. And we're covering ground very quickly.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Jython: Alive and Well (and looking for love)

I thought I'd make a diversion from my usual JRuby activities this weekend and ping the Jython dev list. I'd been lurking for a month or two, seeing almost no activity other than the occasional email, bug report, or request for help. There were perhaps 5 emails in the last month. Not good.

So I reached out to see if anyone was actually listening and to offer whatever support I can provide. As it turns out, there's still a dev team and a user community on the lists, though development has slowed almost to a standstill. There hasn't been a release in years, and Jython is currently about 2x slower than current CPython, while only supporting Python 2.1 semantics in the widely-available release.

But there's a light. The existing team and users are very much interested in getting Jython going again, and from my examination of the code it shouldn't be too difficult for new devs to get involved. Jython also has a pretty good story for compilation to Java bytecode--better than JRuby currently--so it has a strong base to start from.

So here's my request to folks reading this post: If you're a Python fan and a Java developer, now's your time to show devotion to both communities. The Jython guys could use some help, and the project could certainly use some new blood. It doesn't matter to me if you're not a Ruby fan, or heck, if Jython ends up reaching CPython 2.5 compatibility before we get a JRuby 1.0 release out. I'd just really like the JVM Python story to have a happy ending...and I think Jython's long slumber needs to come to an end.

Jython is available on SourceForge, and the existing dev team are friendly, enthusiastic folks. Post this entry to your blogs, send it to your friends, print up flyers and hand them out at your local Python or Java User Group meetings. Jython needs some love, and now is the age of dynlangs for the JVM. Stop by and lend them a hand...I have.

Ruby for the Web? Check!

Well friends, it's time for another episode of "Impossible Or Not!" Today's contender is Ruby in the browser, long desired but never achieved. There are front-ends to Ruby services, delicious Ruby-JavaScript libraries, and of course the ever-popular Ruby on Rails web framework. However, developers have been clamoring for something more.

IRB in an Applet

A long, long time ago in a web far away, there was born a bright-eyed new child named Java. Java found its first public uses in flashing, twirling, annoying buttons called Applets. It was also a bit slow, having just been released into the world. So the big bad public said "Java is slow and only useful for annoying buttons!" And so Java was branded the "slow annoying button" language.

But Java has grown up. It hid away from the public eye, dwelling in dark, dank servers and enterprises. It learned the value of five nines uptime and horizontal scalability. All the while, it improved its public face, preparing for a return home to its birthplace on the web.

Now Java has grown up. It has learned how to appease the enterprise gods while presenting itself to the web in beautiful, performant glory. And it has a new friend: Ruby.

Yes, JRuby can run in an applet. No, it's not that hard. No, the archive doesn't have to be this big (the applet above is about a 1.6MB JAR file, but it includes stuff it doesn't need). Yes, this means you could start writing stuff for web pages in Ruby. No, I'm not kidding.

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.

Updated: I fixed the issues under Windows, so it should work for those of you that reported errors. Thanks for the heads up!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sun Turning Heads

Thijs van der Vossen posts an interesting perspective on recommending Sun and how his opinion of the company has been changed by recent events. It seems that the truth is really getting out: Sun "gets it" and is rising again as a great innovator.

It's a great time to be here.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Java Open-Sourced Under GPL; Sun Shines Brighter

Yes, it's official. News is already starting to pop up around the net about Java's open-sourcing and especially about the choice of license: GPLv2. I must admit my jaw dropped when I first heard about this a couple weeks ago, and it was a hard secret to sit on. Not only is it open's open source using the most vigorously open license out there.

I think the GPL is a great choice for Java. Not only will it be fully compatible with the vast range of GPLed software, but any folks hoping to release their own versions will be compelled to make their changes available as source. Say what you like about the GPL and its "virulence" or its "tainting", but for an open development platform about to explode in the open-source world, it's hard to say what license would be a better choice.

I'm proud to be at Sun surrounded by thought-leaders smart enough to see this is the right thing to do. Sun is BACK, baby!

Tune in for Jonathan Schwartz's and Rich Green's webcast at 9:30PT to get all the details about what's being opened up when.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

McGovern Likes JRuby

I'm not entirely sure how to feel about this one. Apparently James McGovern believes that "the Ruby community at large should drop their current approach and embrace the JRuby stuff." He notes that Jeff Sutherland recommended the same thing for Smalltalk years ago, to save it from being left behind.

Now I haven't generally agreed with James McGovern in the past. His hilarious post about how "Ruby isn't ready for the enterprise" was pretty ill-informed, though perhaps well-meaning. My primary issue with that post was that there's nothing about Ruby--the language, libraries and apps--that would prevent it from being perfectly suited to enterprise development. There are issues with the implementation, certainly, but I don't believe that Ruby necessarily has to equate with the C version. Enter JRuby...

JRuby is Ruby. It looks like Ruby, it acts like Ruby, it walks like a Ruby and talks like a Ruby. We aim for it to run Ruby apps and libraries; we hope for it to be as close to 100% compatible as possible. The fact that some of it is written in Java or that it runs on the VM-formerly-known-as-Java is wholely irrelevant; JRuby is Ruby.

I think it's been pretty well proven that the Java VM is well-suited for enterprise development. The majority of enterprise apps out there today are written for or being written for the JVM, and Sun's had whole teams of folks making the JVM run as well as possible for exactly those scenarios. There's no doubt about the JVM's enterprise capability.

So it should follow that Ruby on the JVM, in the form of JRuby, would inherit much of that enterprise-readiness. Does that mean McGovern is right? Should the Ruby community abandon YARV and Ruby 2.0 and the C impl for greener pastures (or in the case of threading, less green pastures)?

No. To do such a thing would be absurd. And there's a simple reason for this: Not everyone wants to run a full-featured VM.

Ruby in its current form has served its users well. It's an outstanding administrative language, great for text processing, network tickling, application scripting. It's even proven itself for small to medium-sized web applications using numerous frameworks, from Camping to Rails. Even more, it has shown its capability for targeted "enterprisey" tasks, like tying together services or generating code and components to be consumed by other systems. Ruby has done its job admirably, and that job isn't going anywhere.

I will fully admit that JRuby in its current form is probably not ideal for heavy command-line use. The minimal runtime that the C implementation starts up is a better fit for quick hit scripts, there's no doubt about that. And for many web deployment scenarios, the C implementation works suitably well, fulfilling its responsibilities without issue. Where McGovern is right is that JRuby is better suited to much larger applications, where scaling across multiple CPUs or multiple machines is an absolute necessity; where resources are quickly consumed by thousands of independent processes; where monitoring, management, and deployment needs can't be addressed by current pure Ruby or C-based options. In short, JRuby fills the medium to large application realm where Ruby has trouble venturing.

Of course I'd love to see JRuby become the best Ruby implementation. What would be the point of working on JRuby if that weren't an ultimate goal? And of course I have a love for Java and the JVM; they've proven themselves in my eyes, and continue to amaze me. But I want JRuby to be part of a larger Ruby world, where programmers run through flower-covered pastures holding hands, objects sing and swirl through the heavens, classes condense, evaporate, and recombine like vapor. Where programming is "fun", like it was when I started BASIC on my Atari 400 25 years ago. Where our time spent writing software produces results, rather than more problems.

None of those things requires Java or the JVM...they just require cooperation within the community and a desire to see Ruby succeed on all fronts. The question that remains, I believe, is this:

Are you with me?

Progress on WAR, RMagick, OpenSSL, Mutex Fronts

The JRuby community continues to pick up steam!

A number of JRubyists have recently started actively looking at the problem of deploying Rails apps as a WAR file. Some have working prototypes as well. However the most interesting development is that a number of them have joined the jruby-extras project on RubyForge to combine their efforts. I'll be helping to oversee their progress, but this is a perfect example of a community-driven project. I don't doubt they'll make great progress.

RMagick will soon have a full-featured equivalent for JRuby. Tom Palmer has been working on a Java-based RMagick for some time, and now has a version of his RMagickJr that can render some basic Gruff Graphs. He's been in communication with the RMagick creator, and it's likely that we'll start to see gems available soon. Tom's work will help ensure that Rails apps using RMagick for image processing can work seamlessly under JRuby as well. RMagickJr is also hosted in the jruby-extras project.

Ola Bini has been continuing his quest to bring the openssl library to JRuby. He says he's getting very close to having a working library, and it's been a long, hard road. Full support for openssl will mean all Ruby libraries that depend on it will work without modification on JRuby. It's quite an effort, and Ola deserves a lot of credit for making it happen.

At RubyConf 2006, Matz and Koichi made the announcement that Thread.critical was very likely to go away in Ruby 1.9.1/2.0. The reasons for this are simple, and well-known to the JRuby project: Thread.critical is incompatible with native threading. My own implementations of Thread.critical have ranged from a very strict version which frequently deadlocked to the current version which only enforces critical sections in a very loose sense. I am very pleased to hear that critical will go away, but that doesn't help us now. However, there's hope. MenTaLguY has recently taken on the challenge of implementing a fast Mutex for both the C and Java versions of Ruby (MRI and JRuby, respectively). As I understand it, the current C implementation he's built exceeds even low-level Thread.critical performance, and we both agree that a Java version should be extremely easy to construct using Java's built-in synchronization capabilities. A fast Mutex is the first step toward moving people off Thread.critical...and saving me doing yet another doomed reimplementation of it in JRuby.

Other news:

Tom and I spoke with some folks from the HotSpot VM team last night, and it was an extremely helpful discussion. We talked about Ruby's language design and quirkier features, the future of dynlangs on the VM, compilation and optimization strategies for dynlangs, and the current roadmap for JRuby development. Bottom line: everything we're doing is right, and if we keep on this course we'll rapidly approach their notion of an optimal Ruby implementation. We also agreed there's very little about Ruby that couldn't be compiled straight down to Java code. It was great vindication to hear that our "best guess" strategies for slowly redesigning, refactoring, and compiling JRuby are all on the right track. It was also great to hear that our confidence in the JVM has not been misplaced: it IS an excellent VM for dynlangs, and JRuby should eventually perform extremely well. The future of Ruby on the JVM is looking great.

I will be presenting JRuby again today at the Twin Cities Code Camp, as one of the few Java-based presentations (the rest being primarily .NET-related). I guess that's all there is to say about's going to be a condensed version of the Gateway JUG presentation with fewer walkthroughs and a much shorter overall time.

Tom and I are also scheduling our trip to Europe in December. We'll be in Prague from the 5th to the 9th to meet with the NetBeans development team; in Antwerp the following week for JavaPolis; and in Rotterdam on the 19th for my JRuby presentation at Finalist. It remains to be seen if I'll spend some of the holidays in Europe or if my wife will join me, but if you'd like to propose any speaking engagements that could keep me in the Old Country, certainly let me know :)

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Poll on Favorite Java Scripting Lang

There's an interesting little poll here on favorite Java-based scripting lang:

What is your favorite Java based scripting language?

It doesn't look like the poll has been hit too hard, but JRuby seems to score much better than I would have expected, given our relatively recent entry into the public eye. Groovy has garnered about twice as many votes, but of course it's been very public and available for several years.

Also interesting are the poor scores for Jython and Rhino. Jython is a great implementation, but it's pretty far behind at this point. I wish there were more resources to pour into it...perhaps soon. Rhino is also interesting...only four votes so far, even though it's really fast and being included in Java 6.

BTW, please don't go stuffing the ballots for JRuby or anything. I just figured I'd get this poll some exposure to see how things play out. It already looks really good for JRuby, and if you want to vote for Groovy or any of the others, be my guest.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Java SE 6 Passes Final JCP Approval

Huzzah! Java 6 has been approved by the JCP. The final results on JSR 270 show that the voting was 13 for, none opposed, with three not voting. As I understand it, this is the final step toward officially releasing Java 6 to the masses.

Java 6 is really an incredible piece of software. Once again the Sun engineers have boosted performance--in some JRuby benchmarks by as much as 20%. Beyond that, they've include the first round of native platform scripting support in the form of JSR 223, a scripting API intended to replace and improve upon the Bean Scripting Framework. Java 6 also includes native support for Javascript in the form of Rhino, just about the fastest mainstream JavaScript engine available.

Honestly, give Java 6 a shot. I've been using it constantly because of the performance gains, and JRuby support for 223 is already available. This is the first Java release during my time at Sun, and I'm extremely proud to be a part of this team.

Gateway JUG: Such Fun!

Last night I gave my 2+ hour talk on Ruby, JRuby, and JRuby on Rails to the Gateway JUG in St Louis, and it seems to have been a resounding success. We had extremely good attendance, pushing 50 folks from what I could tell, and everyone seemed to be very excited for the possibilities of Ruby on the Java platform. Many folks told me they were going to be looking into Ruby and Rails for future development, and others promised to contribute to the project however possible.

It was a great experiment for me to do this presentation, primarily because it was one long demo. There were a few slides to bridge things together, but ultimately I spent two hours typing into IRB, vi, and bash to demonstrate Ruby, JRuby, and building and running a simple JRuby on Rails app. There were a few glitches (I forgot a few metaprogramming methods, and my new migration initially failed because I ran it on an already-migrated database) but I managed to recover from everything and get all my demos across. I think the live walkthroughs coupled with a very enthusiastic and interactive crowd made a fun presentation for folks in attendance.

Afterwards I had a few beers with the locals and we shared our war stories about Java application development and excitement for a Ruby-filled future. Judging by their reactions to the talk and the stories they related, I think this JRuby thing is poised to really take off.

I've uploaded my Gateway JUG JRuby slides so you can see and share them, and Alex Miller from BEA took a transcript of the JRuby live walkthroughs.

Gateway JUG JRuby Presentation (Opendoc)
Gateway JUG JRuby Presentation (PDF)

Friday, November 3, 2006

Java EE Architect? Need a Job?

My former employer, Ventera Corporation, is still looking to fill my old position. I was their lead/senior Java EE architect, in charge of development of EE applications for their USDA Food and Nutrition Service contracts. I worked at FNS's downtown Minneapolis office, though a large part of the development team resides in Virginia at Ventera HQ.

Update: BTW, I'll be interviewing you, if that's any motivation for or against you applying...

If you're interested, contact Christina Pritchett at Ventera:

Phone: 703.442.5223

And here's the job description Christina gave me...exciting fun for a Friday afternoon:

Senior Java Developer/Team Lead/Architect
Travel: 10% (back to our HDQA in Mclean, VA)
On-boarding: first few weeks will need to be spent in our McLean office

This individual will work on a development team for a large government client to develop, deliver and support a web-based application from design through implementation.

  • Perform as a team lead – mentor junior staff and serve as the primary point of contact for the customer
  • Perform as system architect role in the development of large-scale applications
  • Develop prototypes from business and technical requirements/use case documents
  • Conduct unit and integration testing
  • Provide source code documentation and write reusable code; Maintain existing code base and component library
  • Develop clear and concise documentation for work assignments
  • Meet critical project timeframes
  • Follow coding/design standards and J2EE Design Patterns
  • Maintain application by implementing client enhancements as requested
  • 7+ years of relevant work experience - must have a minimum of 3 years as a tech lead and system architect (i.e. system design, performance tuning, and system prototyping & maintenance)
  • Strong knowledge of Eclipse 3.1, WebLogic Platform 8.1, Hibernate, Spring, CVS (including branch based release management), Bugzilla (admin/server side), and Apache web server
  • Ability to configure WebLogic server/cluster and troubleshoot issues related to WebLogic clusters
  • Extensive knowledge about best practices across multiple disciplines including requirements analysis, architectural design, QA, project management, and configuration management
  • Experience with Enterprise Java Beans development and related technologies (XML, JNDI, RMI, JMS, MDB) required
  • Hands-on coding experience with: Java, JSP, STRUTS, HTML, EJB 2.0 (Session and Entity), JDBC, JAXP, JMS, and JTA required
  • Experience with container managed persistence, container managed relationships and EJB query language
  • Prior experience with Object-oriented analysis and design, including use case development, class modeling, J2EE design patterns (Factory, Façade, Singleton, Business Delegate, Service Locator, Dependency Injection, Data Access Object) and UML required
  • Hands-on knowledge of application security support for e-commerce applications and relational database programming using SQL and JDBC required
  • Ability to write and modify large ANT build scripts supporting builds and deploys in multiple environments
  • Applied knowledge of JBoss and Configuration Management Processes is highly desirable
  • Must have the ability to work in a team environment and work independently on client engagements
  • Experience in professional consulting or like industry required
  • Strong written & verbal communication skills required
  • Keen interest in emerging Java technologies and industry best practices required
  • Ability to set technical direction for application architecture and development discipline, and assess the impact of architecture changes on the business and application is required
  • SCJP, SCJD and/or BEA Developer Certification is a plus
  • Experience with SQL, JBoss, Hibernate and Spring strongly preferred
  • BS in Computer Science, Engineering, or other related technical discipline required

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Next Gig: Gateway JUG, St. Louis, Nov 7

Well the arrangements have all been made for my trip down to St. Louis for the November Gateway JUG meeting. I'll be presenting the usual fare, JRuby and JRuby on Rails stuff, except this time there's a few twists.

Twist One: I'll be presenting for 2+ hours

Yes, this one has me just a bit nervous...not because I think I'll have a problem presenting for that long or because I don't think I'll have enough material, but because I want to keep people awake the whole time. I've been told I'm a pretty good presenter, but even the best presentations can drag on after a while. Which leads me to the second twist:

Twist Two: I'll do 80-90% of the presentation manually

Yes, that's right...I'm going to be using IRB, command-line tools, IDEs, browsers, etc for most of the presentation. I think I've got my typing speed up to a comfortable enough level to keep people interested, and it's quite a bit more fun to watch things happen live than to see pictures or read slides. Plus it will be a unique challenge to do what basically amounts to a two-hour demo. You know me and challenges.

So a few links to information:

Gateway JUG - The Gateway JUG home page
JRuby: Bringing Ruby to the Java Platform - Description of the talk, my bio-of-the-month, directions and other info

And a rough overview of the talk (yes, this is the short, short list. I've got two pages for the long list):
  • Intro to Ruby and JRuby
  • Interactive demo of Ruby's major features
  • What JRuby adds
  • Interactive demo of JRuby
  • Break
  • Intro to Ruby on Rails
  • What JRuby adds
  • Building a simple Rails app
  • JRuby status and future
  • Conclusion
If you're going to be in the area on November 7, come watch me battle demo gremlins for two solid hours. It should be rife with action and adventure, love and laughs, guts and glory. Or at least you'll get to see both a JRuby and a JRuby on Rails presentation in one fun-filled night for free. That's worth it, no?

There's an event flyer now as well.